Thursday, 29 October 2009


I got my spir o graph set out and played with it this evening. Thinking of taking this idea too the print room next week and take them up in size, really pleasing tool too use also.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009


I have always enjoyed Volcoms attitude towards their adverts and company. hmm ill come write something tomorrow DEAD HEADDE F WICKED ADVERTS THOGUJYH?TT !!


I brought this book a few days into this project mainly to gain a better understanding on collage. It's much harder making good collage's then just throwing shit down and saying thats cool. So i purchased this hoping for a little understanding and to make my collage's brilliant ?

Monday, 26 October 2009


Starting to play around with layouts and seeing what works and what doesn't. This one collage is a little too cluttered, though i quite like it's appearance it could do with stripping it down and making it easier too understand. It has a nice textured depth but i think i could improve this by playing with some more.

Found this image (Collage) in a copy of ID magazine. It's a Prada menswear spring/summer 09 invite. The materials caught my eye at first, the use of wood in the image is nice, giving it a tactile feel. The simple silhouette of the person and transparent material behind the wood gives depth within the final image.

Been home this weekend and was able to collect over maybe one hundred million pages from my old magazines. I have started too collected more images up ready for the big assemble in a few days times. I'm enjoying extracting people from images and isolating them from from their true surroundings and creating these piles of cut outs. These have already started to create an interesting set of visuals and i will soon be starting on my one hundred collages. Thinking of taken the final outcomes and having a small book of them all as an extra too go along side this project.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Accumulating pieces for my one hundred collages which will be presented landscape, not portrait like this flipping joke of a collage. I have also visited FRIEZE Art fair and ZOO Art fair at the weekend and have some photograph's to post up, but they are all inside some little film canisters awaiting chemicals too process their beautiful insides. i'll get them up soon BRO'S!!

Thursday, 15 October 2009


Miroslaw Balka - Visited the Tate modern this evening too see this thing that people are injuring their noses when viewing it. lots of in depth personal meaning behind the piece. people did not realize the true meanings behind the piece and see the sadness inscribed in his work. People treated it with less respect than they should of really gave it. Viewers were entering with camera's and glow sticks which took away a huge amount of feel in the piece, seeing people on their phones and flashing camera's every two minutes was a slight annoyance when being inside the installation. Silly video i don't even think the Art correspondent for the BBC has a clue either, look ! TUBEVIDEO

Monday, 12 October 2009


Monday's Print workshop. Really enjoyable day learning the first steps of screen printing really looking forward too using this process on top of other's, producing different print outcomes and furthering my knowledge on hand print processes. All very exciting stuff i must say!

Friday, 9 October 2009


Had a play with cropping images today got a load of them, only put these exciting ones up. These are two simple crops simplifying the original image and approaching it in a more contemporary way. This way it keep's the subject matter in a strong, maybe stronger way than the original format and also cuts print cost's when printing in this style.

(get the little joke in the title?)

Thursday, 8 October 2009


Photos were taken on my XA using fujichrome film and then i used a cross process method, which has fabricated these green tones in the images. I have been looking at a Danish photographer Kim Holtermand.